Association of Planters/Growers of Soybean, Grains and Oilseeds

It is a Legal Entity, an Association which unites the Soybean, Grain and Oilseed Producers/Growers of Paraguay, who share the same vision (of the future), the same aims and objectives.
The nature of the Association is that of a guild, non-profit making, to which are associated both individuals and legal entities, committed to producing quality grains, taking care of the environment and the economic and social development of the country.


Defend the rights of the producers/growers of soybean, grains and derivatives; take an influence in building economic and social policies aimed at ensuring stability and safety in developing the work on the fields; motivate the capacity and unity of its associates and favor competitiveness of the production chain in Paraguay.


Be a dynamic, participative and representative Association as benchmark for the productive sector at a national and international level, known for its commitment towards developing.


-Social Responsibility

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